
In a year truly like no other it’s more important than ever to have a partner in business to deliver real outcomes as we move towards the Christmas season. A partner who understands your customer, understands your business objectives, and understands how to leverage the power of big content moments to connect your brand with millions of Australians this festive season.

We understand changing consumer

A summer of bushfires and floods, coupled with a year of lockdowns and uncertainty, has seen consumers reset their priorities, looking at new ways to celebrate this year. In “Unboxing a Christmas like no other”, bespoke research conducted by The Lab in partnership with Powered by Nine, three key themes emerged. Simple things, made more meaningful and the Australian way.

Christmas this year will see Australians looking to simple festive moments that connect them to their family, their community and their nation. Nine’s Christmas content responds to our audiences’ needs and offers unique opportunities for your brand.

Take a closer look at “Unboxing a Christmas like no other”

Emerging themes from Nine's Christmas

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Let’s hear from 9Honey's Jo Abi as she discusses how the past 12 months will influence the festive season this year. 

Deeper insights to inform your Christmas

At Nine, we have deep consumer insights helping you to plan better and buy smarter, ensuring your brand makes it under the tree, on the Christmas table or the shopping list, ahead of your competitors. We know when our audiences are looking for inspiration, starting to plan their Christmas spend, and when the buying begins. These insights, combined with our national consumer sentiment study, will ensure your marketing dollars go further this festive season.

Discover more consumer insights from Nine’s national consumer sentiment study Consumer Pulse.

Christmas planning has


The biggest Christmas

At Nine, we understand consumers deeply: their motivations, preferences, content interests and behaviours, across a dynamic content ecosystem from broadcast to radio, print and digital. We have an unrivalled slate of cross-platform content which will position your brand front and centre with millions of Australians as the key Christmas period draws closer.

To find out how your brand can leverage the power of to drive genuine business outcomes, request more information

Source: Unboxing a Christmas like no other, Christmas research, Nine and The Lab, 2020 N=1,000 Australians, Nine's Consumer Pulse consumer sentiment study 2020, for more information visit