Singapore Tourism Harnesses the Power of Video
The Ask
To change perception of Singapore by re-positioning it as a family destination.
The Answer
Considering 9 out of 10 parents plan a holiday with their kids wishes in mind and 1/3 young parents let their children make the final decision on the family vacation, we created a video-led media campaign which allowed Mum to see Singapore through the eyes of her child.
The emotive video piece, shot on location, followed the story of a young family exploring the city, capturing the experiences and joy from a child’s perspective.
In addition, our custom-built interactive snapshot-tool gave the audience a novel way to be part of the Singapore adventure: we allowed users to ‘snap’ the places within the video that appealed to them. Each ‘snap’ added to their very own visual itinerary.
A targeted native series furthered the campaign, challenging the misconception that Singapore lacks culture by showcasing an array of incredible experiences the country offers, particularly for families.