


Domain Group is a leading Australian property marketplace made-up of a portfolio of brands. Its purpose is to inspire confidence in life’s property decisions. Nine has a 60% shareholding in Domain Holdings Australia Limited (ASX:DHG).

The business offers residential and commercial property marketing services via listings portals on desktop and mobile, and via social media and print magazine.



The Numbers

The customer base is diverse, including residential and commercial real estate agencies and professionals, property developers, financial services companies, retailers, utilities companies, media, government and consumers.

Property is a huge part of our nation's lifestyle and culture. Whether it is looking, thinking or dreaming, property is always on the mind of Australians, with 75% agreeing that home ownership is part of the Australian way of life.

Source: Big Idea’s Store 2021- The changing Australian dream

  • Monthly Readership (Print + Digital)

Source: Roy Morgan Research; people 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2024.



are A or B social grade


are the main grocery buyer


have a diploma or degree


have a mortgage / are a home owner


believe quality is more important than price

Through Domain’s property portal, affiliated business, partnership with premium media outlets and access to second-party data sources, Domain can influence the home seeker throughout all key stages along the property purchase journey.

Domain's audience can be segmented into renovators, new home buyers, young families, banking and finance, insurance and automotive- representing its abundancy of opportunity for brands to connect with the Australian people.

Average HH Income:

Average Age:

Average Amount in Investments:

Source: Roy Morgan Research; people 14+ for the 12 months ending March.


Australia’s cross-platform home of property

The Domain ecosystem informs and inspires audiences every week from print to online to offsite.

A partnership with Domain opens the door to our premium buying audience. Domain provides a platform for meaningful conversations between our partners and our tech-savvy, brand-conscious audience through the creation of engaging, trusted content.



Awareness, browsing and research

Magazine, Editorial


Domain Online

In-depth research and shortlisting

Content, Section sponsorship, In Gallery, eDM, Display, Guides, Homepage Takeover, Mobile Scrollex, Native



Retargeting and driving conversions

Offsite Display, Social & AudX


Creative Execution Examples

Nine's dedicated branded content team within Powered creates content that allows the client to communicate to a target audience in an authentic way.

Learn more about how about how you can connect your brand with Australia's leading publisher.


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