Powered Predicts 2023

Powered by Nine delivers crystal ball for brands, tapping into cultural trends data
to shape big ideas in 2023

Nine is using its own consumer trends research to create new formats for brands: culture feeds media and media feeds culture, says Powered by Nine's Director of Strategy & Creative Solutions, Toby Boon. Meanwhile, the latest Powered Predicts findings have significant implications for brand acquisition and retention strategies: 2023 is all about value revalued.  

Chief Sales Officer Michael Stephenson has challenged Nine’s Powered unit “to come up with bigger ideas in 2023”, says Head of Creative Solutions, Kate Waugh. To deliver, she’s tapping into Nine’s own trend-tracking research to feed media with the latest cultural insights. Powered by Nine's Head of Strategy, Steve Caunce, urges marketers to harness Powered Predicts data to shape their own plans – because unlike the plethora of trends reports flooding CMO inboxes, it’s grounded in reality.  

“Powered Predicts is designed to be practical so that it can be realistically applied to businesses. But it is also grounded in genuine consumer insight. Everything we put out there is backed up quantitatively because we survey everything with our own audiences,” says Caunce.  

Given the sheer weight of economic uncertainty today, robust evidence is critical, says Caunce. It means marketers can apply the findings with confidence to their own strategies.  

Nine is walking the walk, applying its cultural trends research to its own programming. Culture feeds media – and media feeds culture, Boon suggests. Waugh agrees. “Media continues to play a critical role in shifting the dynamic of cultural trends in mainstream conversations,” says Waugh.

She cites Married at First Sight as a standout, “It showcases the way we’re discussing the current relationship revolution, which would otherwise be seen in the shadows. More honest representation of sexuality, use of social media in relationships, and terms such as gas-lighting.” Big Miracles is another example. “It’s an honest portrayal of couples’ fertility journey,” says Waugh. “It’s triggering for some, but it’s asking others – and brands especially – to lean in on these journeys and add value.”

Value revalued: acquisition-retention impacts

Value is key going into 2023, Powered Predicts findings suggest.

Steve Caunce said it is the dominant theme of the trends uncovered in Nine’s research – and has major implications for marketers’ customer acquisition and retention strategies. The report dubs it 'value revalued'.  

“The cost of living is the biggest issue we are facing right now, and it’s affecting everybody, but it goes beyond that. Shortages of raw materials and workers, strained distribution, the destruction of our natural environment are all challenging and reshaping what consumers value or where they see value. This is being reflected by the fact that globally we are seeing consumers switch brands at unprecedented levels,” he said.  

“The key lesson for us is that it’s important that consumers feel some degree of control within the chaos. They want to feel empowered and they’re looking for help to do this, and it presents a really great opportunity for brands. In fact one of our 2023 Cultural Conversations this year is going to be on value as we aim to unpack how consumers want to see value from brands.”  

That insight will feed directly into Nine’s strategic work with advertisers, said Kate Waugh.  

“Value revalued is the most important Powered trend to come out of this research. Consumers are more considered in their purchasing behaviours and what they value has changed. They expect more from brands, mostly in the form of experiences, whether that be the experience in-store or online. At Nine, this type of trend will formulate our cross-platform, ideation, creativity and storytelling – and working with brands to ensure we’re adding value to the audiences.”  


Balance required

Steve Caunce thinks marketers will find value from the Powered Predicts research because it signals shifts in sentiment and cultural trends – which gives brands a chance to understand and plan around those trends as they evolve.  

“For most marketers, being on this trajectory or this journey means there’s a smoother path to entry once momentum hits the mainstream,” he said.   

But he underlined that there is always a balance to be struck.  

“It’s important not to get caught up in trends that are fleeting" he says. 

"Meaningful cultural shifts that have scale and longevity are the ones that provide the greatest opportunity.”  

Explore Powered Predicts 2023.

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