

April 2024

The national mood has improved this month and Australians are primarily valuing their health. Distribution of media time, the popularity of radio and consumer spending habits are all fuelling opinions and conversations this month.

Couple going for picnic

4-8 April, 2024

Inside this month’s Consumer Pulse dip

Mood of the Nation

The national mood

The national mood has recovered after a dip in March 2024, back to a higher net positive mood. Australians are feeling more encouraged and relaxed in the current times while remaining calm and hopeful of what is ahead. Overall, net positive emotions are ahead of negative emotions.

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Dominant mood indicators

The top ten dominant moods are a mix of both positive and negative emotions. The top 4 feelings are all positive, with feelings of relaxed, calm, hope and optimism topping the list this month. Feelings of being anxious, frustrated and stressed are the 5th to 7th most dominant moods this month.

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Australian values

Health, Enjoyment and Family Security

Nine audiences value their health primarily. The top three values continue to be led by health, enjoying life, and family security compared to six months ago. Wishes for a world at peace saw a large increase compared to 6 months ago, while there were drops in Nine’s audience looking for true friendship.

October 2023 saw large pushes for equality and social justice, however, in April 2024, values in these areas returned to that of April 2023.

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Conversation starters

Media Time

Of Nine's audience have watched free-to-air TV in the past month

Nine’s audience spend the largest amount of their media time with free-to-air TV and online news sources.

1 in 5 of Nine’s audience noted free-to-air TV as the media they spent the most time with in April 2024, with 4 in 5 audience having watched free-to-air TV in the past month.

The next media that Nine’s audience spent the most time with was online news sources, with 3 in 5 noting this in their top 5 media in terms of time spent.

Cheerful parents and their kids having fun while watching a movie on sofa in the living room.


Position your brand within the TV and online news source mediums to maximise exposure and reach. By aligning your message with the content consumed by the majority, you can effectively capture their attention and reinforce brand recognition

Radio Ranking

Of the over-55s in Nine’s audience note that talk radio is in the top 5 consumed media in the past month

Radio still ranks highly in consumed media among Nine’s audience over the age of 55.

When it comes to Nine’s audience over the age of 55, we see that radio still ranks highly in the media consumed on a regular basis. 1 in 3 of the over-55s in Nine’s audience note that talk radio is in the top 5 consumed media in the past month, while a similar figure is seen among music radio stations (31% of Nine’s audience).


As radio remains a significant medium among Nine's audience over 55, crafting brand messages that resonate with the preferences and interests of this audience segment can enhance brand visibility and engagement

Photo of a senior turning on his car radio while driving

spending HABITS

Believes money brings them security

Nine’s audience like to save then spend.

Half of Nine’s audience recognise the benefits of financial freedom (living debt free), with 2 in 5 also believing that money helps to bring them security.

1 in 4 of Nine’s audience when asked about their relationship with money noted they like to save up and then have the freedom to give into spending impulses. This increases to 46% for the under-35 age group.

Senior couple using laptop and paying bills at home


Encourage financial responsibility and empowerment by promoting saving for future security. Aligning with your audience values of saving and financial freedom can build trust and loyalty for you brand


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Tell your story in and around the content we know consumers are engaging with most