


Consumer Pulse is undertaken via short online surveys conducted fortnightly with Nine’s audiences - across linear television, 9Now and digital properties including (and network sites), plus readers of news mastheads The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Australian Financial Review (print + digital) and listeners of Nine Radio stations (2GB, 3AW, 4BC, 6PR, 2UE, 4BH, 6GT and Magic).

Sample sizes for survey 27 as follows:

9Nation: 579 

The Sydney Morning Herald: 2208 

The Age1484 

Financial Review271 

Nine Radio: 659 

  • Online surveys are sent to Nine’s audience panels (initially weekly, now fortnightly).
    The surveys were conducted on the following dates;

Week 1:  Wednesday 18.03.2020 - Thursday 19.03.2020

Week 2:  Wednesday 25.03.2020 - Thursday 26.03.2020

Week 3:  Wednesday 01.04.2020 - Thursday 02.04.2020

Week 4: Wednesday 08.04.2020 - Thursday 09.04.2020

Week 5: Wednesday 15.04.2020 - Thursday 16.04.2020

Week 6: Wednesday 22.04.2020 - Thursday 23.04.2020

Week 7: Wednesday 29.04.2020 - Thursday 30.04.2020

Week 8: Wednesday 06.05.2020 - Thursday 07.05.2020

Week 9: Wednesday 13.05.2020 - Thursday 14.02.2020

Week 10: Wednesday 20.05.2020 - Thursday 21.05.2020

Week 11: Wednesday 27.05.2020 - Thursday 28.05.2020

Week 12: Wednesday 03.06.2020 - Thursday 04.06.2020

Week 13: Wednesday 10.06.2020 - Thursday 11.06.2020

Week 14: Wednesday 17.06.2020 - Thursday 18.06.2020

Week 15: Wednesday 24.07.2020 - Thursday 25.06.2020

Week 16: Wednesday 01.07.2020 - Thursday 02.07.2020

Week 17: Wednesday 15.07.2020 - Thursday 16.07.2020

Week 18: Wednesday 29.07.2020 - Thursday 30.07.2020

Week 19: Wednesday 12.08.2020 - Thursday 13.08.2020

Week 20: Wednesday 26.08.2020 - Thursday 27.08.2020

Week 21: Wednesday 09.09.2020 - Thursday 10.09.2020

Week 22: Wednesday 23.09.2020 - Thursday 24.09.2020

Week 23: Wednesday 07.10.2020 - Thursday 08.10.2020

Week 24: Wednesday 21.10.2020 - Thursday 23.10.2020

Week 25: Wednesday 04.11.2020 - Thursday 05.11.2020

Week 26: Wednesday 18.11.2020 - Thursday 19.11.2020

Week 27: Wednesday 02.12.2020 - Thursday 03.12.2020

Nine brands represented in each are below

• 9Nation – includes (Nine Network television stations, 9Now, and associated network sites 9Honey, Wide World of Sports,
• Metro News – The Sydney Morning Herald / The Age
Business Leaders Panel - The Australian Financial Review
Nine Radio listeners - 2GB, 3AW, 4BC, 6PR, 2UE, 4BH, 6GT and Magic

Data is cleaned and weighted to be nationally representative of Nine audiences on age and gender, according to the latest ABS figures.

Some sentiments are tracked weekly / fortnightly, others are measured as topical issues arise.