Financial Review launches Executive Education Platform – a one-stop shop for postgraduate business and management courses
Financial Review launches Executive Education Platform – a one-stop shop for postgraduate business and management courses
The Australian Financial Review today launches a new service to help people looking to make the next move in their business learning journey and advance their career.
With more than 1,000 business-related postgraduate courses from all major universities across Australia, the AFR Executive Education Platform provides tools to help people research courses and find the best options to match their career aspirations and lifestyle.
The AFR Executive Education Platform has been created in partnership with global EdTech specialists Keypath Education, using their proprietary course research tool, StudyNext.
James McCluskie, Nine’s Client Director of Education, Workplace, Finance and Technology, said: “We are thrilled to be able to partner with Keypath Education on the launch of the AFR Executive Education Platform on This platform, powered by StudyNext, provides our monthly digital audience of 2.5M the ability to source information on over 1,000 executive and business aligned courses provided by Australia’s higher education institutions.”
“Combined with the authoritative leadership and careers editorial content of The Australian Financial Review, the platform makes the researching & decision-making process around taking the next step in your management career easier than ever before.”
Keypath Education Asia Pacific CEO, Ryan O’Hare, said: “Keypath Education is excited to partner with The Australian Financial Review to bring StudyNext to the AFR Executive Education Platform. StudyNext brings together a trusted, independent and intuitive experience for exploring postgraduate courses across business and management disciplines. The partnership aligns exactly with our mission to transform education and help students more easily connect with their future career aspirations.”
Housed exclusively within the premium environment of, the AFR Executive Education Platform has been devised with the Financial Review’s subscriber base in mind, with reader surveys highlighting that access to education and management courses rates highly.
Financial Review Editor-in-Chief James Chessell said: “The AFR Executive Education Platform powered by StudyNext is the ideal destination for those who wish to get ahead, a one-stop shop for the latest trends in upskilling as well as a pathway to future career growth.”
“The Financial Review strives to be the “The daily habit of successful people”. With the launch of this platform, we seek to partner with Keypath Education and Australia’s tertiary institutions to help make the Financial Review the daily habit of successful careers.”
For further information, please contact:
Adrian Motte
Senior Communications Manager, Trade & Publishing
Tuesday, October 29, 2024