Brand New Event Series
Exploring the most pressing issues facing Australian Families Today.
Building on the success of its first two seasons, which delved into diverse parenting styles, this new series takes a bold step further.
Hosted by the dynamic duo of Ally Langdon and Dr. Justin Coulson, the series features eight families navigating eye-opening challenges centred on critical topics such as screen time, mental health, body image, and social pressures.
To find out what your brand can achieve with a Parental Guidance partnership, request a tailored response to help realise your marketing objectives.
Metro TV
Regional TV
BVOD National
Total TV
Source: TVMAP VOZ Program Analyser, VOZ Data 5.9 © OzTAM Pty Limited [2023], NATIONAL, Nine Content, 01/01/2023-31/12/2023, Average AUD, contains ‘Parental Guidance’, excludes ‘encore’, Total People, Metro & Regional Broadcast (excl spill), National BVOD, Con 7.
Think big with a show fit for any category
Parental Guidance is a show that is captivating, entertaining, educating and has families Australia wide starting a conversation about their parenting styles. There is no other show like this on Australian television.
Parental Guidance is produced by Eureka for the 9Network.